See info
News From The West was one of twenty briefcases in the “Karamustafa Import
Export” project which consisted of a briefcase which traveled between Vienna and
Istanbul during one year carrying the work of one artist from the country of
origin. The title of the project referred to Karamustafa Pasha who led the
Ottoman armies in the siege of Vienna in the 17th century. The Ottomans were
defeated but the cultural and political impact of the event led the way to
transfer of goods and evolution of cultural images including the myth of the
“Terrible Turk”. The briefcase contains 20 folders and a Turkish evil-eye bead.
Inside each folder are quotations about the “Turk” taken from western
publications between 1717-1997. The quotes are in their original fonts set to a
subjectively created rhythm. The folders and their contents are notarized in
Istanbul. Most Turks believe in the power of the bead to protect them against
News From The West 1997
attache case, 20 folders, evil-eye bead paper,
glass, ribbon, metal
45.70 x 30.50 x 11.40cm
In the collection of Wien Museum as part of "Karamustafa Import Export"

Selected exhibitons

Installation view, Echo Raum, Vienna, 1997

Installation view, Museum Fur Volkerkunde, Vienna, 1997