See info
"I gaze with tears and smiles on the condition of humanity in our
post-truth, post-fact, post-faith era. I am part of it and yet a distanced
observer. What can I do? I decided to travel the world with angels and
clowns who in their state of liminality are with us while forever observe us
from a distance. "
Ipek Duben

Private Collection

59,5 x 106 x 3,5 cm

51,5 x 91 x 3,5 cm

69 x 78 x 6 cm

111 x 63 x 3,5 cm

Private collection

Private collection

90,5 x 71 x 6 cm

73,5 x 83 x 6 cm
Photo credit: Hadiye Cangökçe

Gods 1

Gods 2

Model 2


Moon 1

Istanbul 1

New York 1

New York 2